New York State Barber Practice Exam 2024 - Free Barber Licensing Practice Questions and Study Guide

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The best way to ascertain your clients' expectations of a service is to:

Guess Based on Experience

Ask Open-Ended Questions

Organize Your Thoughts, Clarify the Clients' Wishes and Repeat

One way to understand your clients' expectations of a service is to organize your thoughts, clarify their wishes, and then repeat their expectations back to them. This allows for effective communication and helps ensure that all parties are on the same page. Option A, guessing based on experience, may not accurately reflect the clients' expectations and could lead to misunderstandings. Option B, asking open-ended questions, could also be effective but may not provide a clear and concise understanding of expectations. Option D, starting the service without clarifying expectations, could lead to dissatisfaction and disruptions in the service. Therefore, the most effective way to ascertain your clients' expectations of a service is to carefully organize your thoughts, confirm their wishes, and repeat them back for clarification.

Just Start the Service


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